Don't submit things that aren't finished
Resubmit it when it's actually done please.
Don't submit things that aren't finished
Resubmit it when it's actually done please.
D': Ah sorry. I will resubmit it when it is done.
Thank you for the review. @ u @
Short and simple
This was very smoothly animated, however it was too simple and short for my liking.
shut up
You used my cloud sig without my permission, I sue you for 7 internets. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 internets.
Seriously though, really fun animation :) I like the easter egg, and good use of the comic-cam luis image.
Half decent
I liked the lyrics and how it had so many different words the rhymed, however, the audio quality was kind of bad. The animations/illustrations were OK, but could be improved.
Loved it
Had me laughing all the way through :) Pity that Luis seems ot be in denial of his mexican heritage :( Fifened.
Creepy but sustaining
That video left me slightly creeped, it seemed very dark and sinister. That normally wouldn't be a good thing for me, but it worked well in this. The images seemed a bit blurry and low-res at times, but I suppose it's better than having a huge filesize. I liked this 'silent movie' style, although the music got a little annoying; more appropriate orchestra style music could have done the job better in my opinion. The plot and characters were imaginative and the ending made me chuckle. Overall a nice movie, but a little short and maybe too creepy seeming.
Yes, i wanted grander music but i needed something composed especially for the film and my music guy told me it would be a bit tricky to do this. In my animatic versions i used Rakmaninov (sorry spelling...!!)Sorry if it creeped you out! ~Lizz
Great art :)
That was a nice little biscuit of artistic coolness. You must have put quite a bit of time into each drawing. How many drawings did you do? I've always wanted to try and make something like this, but I dont have the patience... or the colours :(
The music seemed fitting, and I like the way the haiku was introduced word by word. The art was perfectly imperfect, it had that slightly flawed and scribbly look which I love :)
One thing I would say is that it could be a bit longer, but thats it really. Good work.
Thanks, dude!
I watched it just now, and the sun has 5 drawings, the 2nd 'scene' 2, the 3rd has maybe 4. As I said in the comments, "12 hours. 7-ish hour drawing, 5-ish putting it together in Flash."
Fading from one picture to the next meant I could use fewer pics, but obviously wouldn't work for proper, normal-speed action.
It couldn't really be any longer, considering it's a haiku. Also, this way, I could basically finish it in a couple of days and not get bored. ;-)
All hail LJCoffee!
Glad you liked.
Stay funky!
Off to a good start.
What you've got here isn't the worst thing that's passed through the Portal, but theres definitely room for improvement. It's a good start; the sounds are well-synched and the animation is smooth. You just need more detail. Try a few backgrounds, and move away from sticks into a properly animated character. While the idea is not the most original, you seemed to have a little flicker of style which I couldn't quite place.
Overall, you need better graphics and more detail. Good luck for the future.
Insanely Funny
That has got to be the best thing I've seen all month.
Graphics - The graphics were quite good, but there's definately room for improvement.
Sound - The background music got a bit annoying and repetative, you probably could have chosen something more appropriate. The voice acting was good, but a bit off in places.
Violence - Good use of blood, knives, and axes.
Ineractivtity - Well at least there's a play button :) With movies there's not usually much more you can do. Maybe be able to turn the subtitles on and off?
Humour - Everything was done brilliantly. "Hey, I wonder where they get the penises..?" This movie actually makes quite a lot of sense...
Overall - You made my day, well done.
Its funny because it's so badly animated =)
And i dont mean it in a bad way either, it actually made me laugh. Keep up the bad work! fifen!
oh dont u worry, almost all of my work is crappy!! ^.^
I feel dizzy
Age 34, Male
Brizzol, Inglund
Joined on 1/17/06