Don't submit things that aren't finished
Resubmit it when it's actually done please.
Don't submit things that aren't finished
Resubmit it when it's actually done please.
D': Ah sorry. I will resubmit it when it is done.
Thank you for the review. @ u @
Short and simple
This was very smoothly animated, however it was too simple and short for my liking.
shut up
Creepy but sustaining
That video left me slightly creeped, it seemed very dark and sinister. That normally wouldn't be a good thing for me, but it worked well in this. The images seemed a bit blurry and low-res at times, but I suppose it's better than having a huge filesize. I liked this 'silent movie' style, although the music got a little annoying; more appropriate orchestra style music could have done the job better in my opinion. The plot and characters were imaginative and the ending made me chuckle. Overall a nice movie, but a little short and maybe too creepy seeming.
Yes, i wanted grander music but i needed something composed especially for the film and my music guy told me it would be a bit tricky to do this. In my animatic versions i used Rakmaninov (sorry spelling...!!)Sorry if it creeped you out! ~Lizz
Great art :)
That was a nice little biscuit of artistic coolness. You must have put quite a bit of time into each drawing. How many drawings did you do? I've always wanted to try and make something like this, but I dont have the patience... or the colours :(
The music seemed fitting, and I like the way the haiku was introduced word by word. The art was perfectly imperfect, it had that slightly flawed and scribbly look which I love :)
One thing I would say is that it could be a bit longer, but thats it really. Good work.
Thanks, dude!
I watched it just now, and the sun has 5 drawings, the 2nd 'scene' 2, the 3rd has maybe 4. As I said in the comments, "12 hours. 7-ish hour drawing, 5-ish putting it together in Flash."
Fading from one picture to the next meant I could use fewer pics, but obviously wouldn't work for proper, normal-speed action.
It couldn't really be any longer, considering it's a haiku. Also, this way, I could basically finish it in a couple of days and not get bored. ;-)
All hail LJCoffee!
Glad you liked.
Stay funky!
Its funny because it's so badly animated =)
And i dont mean it in a bad way either, it actually made me laugh. Keep up the bad work! fifen!
oh dont u worry, almost all of my work is crappy!! ^.^
lol penis plane
Another tankmen parody, yay. Was the voice just recorded from tv?
well anyway, the graphics are great, they match the tankmen style perfectly. But it got a bit monotonus, as in, not much happened other than the plane full of penises... which was kind of... odd, to say the least. But it worked. Keep 'em coming.
Glad you liked it!!! I need sleep tho!! :D
it was good while it lasted, excellent for a first flash (most people produce complete crap on their first submission :p). Although, for the duration, i felt as it were just an introduction leading to something bigger...then it ended. Suggested areas of improvement: length, graphics, action, and sound. It was a good idea though. Well done, good luck in the future, etc...
You're quite right. From writing to Flash movies, I tend to be concise and short in what I do. Anti-climatic finish too... I'll try and avoid these in HA 2, so watch this space =]
WTF... but in nice way
That was wierd... very abstract, must have taken you ages in f-b-f. Maybe next time stick to this crazy morphing line thing but add characters and some kind of story or message. k? :-) good luck dude/dudette
ill try that ty, and its dude.
I feel dizzy
Age 34, Male
Brizzol, Inglund
Joined on 1/17/06