I'm can fairly happily say that rocketcat is now 100% complete. I'm just waiting to hear back from Kongregate about sponsorship. The point in this post is that I want to get a few opinions, suggestions, feedback etc. So go nuts.
http://editundo.bravehost.com/rocket%2 0cat%200902.swf
If you play it fullscreen you'll probably experience a lot of lag. I recommend 600x600.
How to play:
Use the left and right arrow keys to use the respective rocket boots, unless you've reversed the controls in the options. Use one rocket at a time to turn, use them both to go fowards, or to 'hover' if you're pointing staight upwards. Collect stars and avoid comets. If any stars pass the right-side of the screen, your combo will be reset. Collect purple powerups to affect gameplay, this can be good or bad.
Stay away from the top of the screen, as you'll have less time to react to comets.
Keep yourself upright for easier control.
Turn off trail effects to reduce lag.
Rocketcat now has a tail
Particle effect on the main menu
Option to reverse controls added
Numbers pop up to say how many points you're getting
So, let me know what you think, thanks :D:D:D
http://editundo.bravehost.com/rocket%2 0cat%200902.swf
Also, cockjoke?
Thanks for that extremely helpful, feedback-filled response.