From now on, I will post about my games in this blog thing a WHOLE 3 WEEKS before I actually release them into the wild. A few reasons:
1 - beta testing, user feedback, etc
2 - more visitors and comments to feed my ego :D
Ok, so two reasons.
Anyways, without further ado, I present to you, in full resizeable glory, ROCKETCAT.
A bit about the game:
There are 8 powerups
CrazyChihuahua suggested the idea when I was bored and I asked him for a random theme.
It only took a few days to make, maybe 7 or 8 hours total, which isn't at all long for me.
It may or may not be the first of a series of games starring rocketcat.
Rocketcat has no face.
Girls seem to be unable to play this game.
I like to think I made good use of the blur filter.
The 2 sound effects were generated with Audacity.
The real reason why I'm showing it 3 weeks in advance is that I'm going on holiday and dont want to release it until I'm back so I can watch it's progress along the inter-highway.
Here's a pretty picture.
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